Will history look back fondly on the decade that was the 2010s? We're gonna go out on a limb here and say that's a big ol' no. But one area of the decade we...
by Brian J. Audette
2018 was a busy year for me with a lot of work to be done and a lot of life changes as well. Amidst all the craziness I really didn’t...
Photography by Adrian Gandara
Austin's long running indie rock titans The Marmalakes are back in force this year, with a new album due out in May. They'l...
by Brian J. Audette
If all you can do during SXSW is complain about the crowds, the traffic, the spotlight hogging big names, the branding, and how “corp...
Yes, it's Super Bowl weekend, but there are still plenty of non-athletic events to partake in, whether it's a new print publication's release show, Big Bill...
Over the course of 2013, we’ve reviewed over 100 EPs, LPs and singles. We’ve covered dozens of live shows, premiered a handful of new videos and interviewed...
When I was in 9th grade, I was in a band that released a five-song EP of all original material. My songwriting at the time was decent for my age (I like to ...
Some musicians that used to call Austin their home have moved onto other places, but still retain a connection to the Capital City. Today we'll look at recent r...
Population estimates suggest that since we here at OVRLD started this music review site/blog/e-zine back in February 2011, there have been an additional 60,000 ...
From here on out, we're going to aim to have a photo spread up at the beginning of each week from a concert that took place in town the weekend before. We're st...