Photo Review: AH-FUCC DAY 3 at Todd’s Mansion

Todd's Mansion Day 3

Photos by Ashley Bradley

Poster by Paige Berry

Day three of the inaugural AH-FUCC went down at Todd’s Mansion, conveniently localed next to a P. Terry’s I definitely took advantage of multiple times throughout the night. The titular Todd had turned a garage workshop into a pretty great performance space, complete with a rustic aesthetic, a combo dryer and PA and numerous fire pits. Todd’s own band Jimmy Legs opened the show off, sounding like a Texan take on Six Finger Satellite, a refreshing change of pace from the wave of Chicago influenced sludge bands. BLXPLTN and Mighty Mountain/Messages multi-instrumentalist Jonathan Horstmann aka The Rivr followed with an improvised set featuring Austin’s most underrated songwriter crafting TV on the Radio style electronic indie rock. From there things got more laid back, as Hermit Kingdom members Upper.Reality and Flobama teamed up to do a set of dreamy R&B and then Lexi Cardenas put on a mesmerizing solo violin and vocal performance that had an unexpectedly beautiful cover of Nirvana’s “Heart Shaped Box” as its centerpiece. Prom Threat took the tempo back up with their garagey post-punk, complete with an unexpected cover of their own, in this case The Cramps classic “Human Fly.” Tyler Jordan and the Negative Space‘s set came right as it finally started to get dark, which made for a perfect backdrop to their reflective and poetic performance; their songs basically demand singalongs right from the gate. And then Clit Eastwood closed the night out with a foundation shaking blast of sonic anarchy that undoubtedly confused a whole lot of P Terry’s customers. Don’t forget, AH-FUCC Weekend Two starts tomorrow, Friday October 21st at Planet Heck with New China, Vampyre, Tank Washington, Sertified and more! – Morgan Davis

Jimmy Legs

Jimmy Legs Jimmy Legs Jimmy Legs

The Rivr

The Rivr The Rivr The Rivr

Hermit Kingdom

Hermit Kingdom Hermit Kingdom Hermit Kingdom

Lexi Cardenas

Lexi Cardenas Lexi Cardenas Lexi Cardenas

Prom Threat

Prom Threat Prom Threat Prom Threat

Tyler Jordan & the Negative Space

Tyler Jordan and the Negative Space Tyler Jordan and the Negative Space Tyler Jordan and the Negative Space

Clit Eastwood

Clit Eastwood Clit Eastwood Clit Eastwood