Exclusive Track Premiere: Welsh Avenue “New Ways”

Welsh Avenue New Ways

Welsh Avenue, the musical nom de plume of Mark DiLillo, harkens back to the classic indie pop of acts like The The or even They Might Be Giants, with commanding songwriting and clear, unfussed over production. “New Ways,” from the upcoming EP of the same name, is a delightful introduction to DiLillo’s sound, with a cascading piano line serving as the main instrumental force over a simple and effective beat. DiLillo’s voice on “New Ways” has the comforting timbre of a friend guiding you through their city, encouraging you to try new things and have adventures, which is fitting given that DiLillo explains the song is about exploring the unknown and accepting help from others to achieve your dreams. Do some exploring of the unknown yourself below with our premiere of the track, look out for the New Ways EP, available July 12th, and in the meantime be sure to catch Welsh Avenue live at Butterfly Bar on July 5th!