Exclusive Single Premiere: Socha “Musings III”

Socha Musings 3

If 2018 was the year of Abhi the Nomad (and we here at Ovrld very definitely think it was), 2019 is unquestionably the year of Socha. Backed by an impressively tight knit band of twee post-punk wunderkinds, Socha has been on a roll with a series of singles showcasing her dynamic voice and author’s eye for heartbreaking and profound details. We are beyond thrilled to bring you the latest of those singles, the third entry under the “Musings” banner, comprised of “Type A(nxiety)” and “Soft.”

“Type A(nxiety)” opens up the spectrum of Socha’s sound even further, leaning more St. Vincent than Josef K, with a drum machine beat and a big crowdpleasing melody that still a healthy edge to it, particularly as Socha snarls “Who the fuck do I think I am/To be perfect?” in the pre-chorus.

“Soft” skews more melancholic, its bass chords and syncopated beat maintaining an ominous tension, building to a dramatic valley where Socha repeatedly murmurs “Anything to completely erase me,” before escalating to a motormouthed delivery explaining the full depths of that desire.

You can check out the full “Musings” playlist below, and be sure to read our interview with Socha here, where we also premiered the “Type A(nxiety)” video! And don’t forget to catch Socha’s next show on July 12th at Cheer Up Charlie’s with Why Bonnie and more!