Austin Invades NPR: Rounding Up Austin’s TinyDesk Entries


Earlier this week, a number of artists from Austin submitted their entries for NPR’s Tiny Desk Concerts Contest. Though the contest winners won’t be announced until February 12th, we decided to celebrate the inevitable Austin victory by rounding up the submissions from our city. If you submitted and we missed you, comment with the video link or hit us up on one of the approximately three million social media services we are on and we will get you added in.



Ben Baxter Band


Brand New Key


Chris Strand



Como Las Movies




David Diers



Dead Music Capital Band



East Cameron Folkcore


Emily Wolfe


Food GroupĀ 


The Gents


The Halfways


Henry + the Invisibles


Holiday Mountain


The Hot Pursuits


Jay Satellite


John Pointer


Katie Sachs and the Flashbacks




Laura Lee Imhoff


Les Rav


Magna Carda


Montgomery Brown and the Orchestra of Dust


P-Tek & DJ RecSpect


Phil Ajjarapu


Regal Dreamers


Riders Against the Storm


Silver Ships


Taylor and the Wild Now


Tree Folk


Walker Lukens and the Sidearms


Whiskey Shivers