It’s not every day that Ovrld gets sent a video boasting what looks like full on Hollywood production values, but we’ve been lucky the past few weeks, as first El Campo and now RNAtheMESSENGER have sent us incredible clips to premiere. But where El Campo’s “Spanish Revival” centered on the shady efforts of an alien operative, RNAtheMESSENGER’s “American Dreams” is a dramatic affair, following around a troubled young man as he deals with the tragic death of a loved one. Directed by Diego Lozano, a 21 year old wunderkind from Mexico, “American Dreams” is gorgeously shot and well performed, a perfect visual accompaniment to RNA’s dark folk-tinged hip hop. Lozano utilizes some editing magic and effects tricks to make the video as ghostly as Bateau’s vocal hooks but the spotlight is always on the grief stricken central performance.
You’ll be able to catch RNA during SXSW as part of his label N/A Hip Hop’s free showcase at Stomping Grounds this Saturday, March 12th, along with Bateau, ZELES, Bad Ritual and more from 9 pm to 2 am.