Video Premiere: Big Bill “I Wanna Do Evil”

This morning, Eric Braden of Big Bill texted us saying he had just had a weird experience. Yesterday morning he had been doing his usual weird walk around the neighborhood when Sailor Poon showed up, threw an egg in his face and then kidnapped him. The whole time they were singing Big Bill’s “I Wanna Do Evil” at him and even shoved the lyrics in his face. He also swears Sheila Poon had a lobster claw, like some prequel to John Waters’ Multiple Maniacs. Things started to get pretty trippy so when Eric got away, he figured it was a bad dream or a bad trip or some combination thereof. But in his inbox this morning there was a link to a video, made by Sailor Poon, of the whole weird experience. He asked us to share the disturbing footage, now edited to be the actual music video for “I Wanna Do Devil,” so that the rest of Austin will be aware of the dangers of Sailor Poon association. You can associate with both of these dangerous acts and fellow low lives Basketball Shorts and Popper Burns tomorrow, July 10th, at Swan Dive (and the first 20 people to use this link get free tickets, WARNING: safety not guaranteed):