Now in its 8th year and recently rebranded as Levitation Fest, Austin's annual Psych Fest has morphed from a small festival for psych fanatics into a sprawl...
For whatever reason, this year's FunFunFun Fest is stacked with reunions. And while it's always tempting to go see a legendary group that you thought you'd ...
Austin's first hip hop festival, Weird City, kicks off today, spreading across the Red River Cultural District with shows at Empire Control Room, Red 7, Hol...
Tonight at Spider House Ballroom, we're helping put on a show with three groups fronted by super talented women-- Portland's shoegazey badasses Genders, K Recor...
Earlier this week, Ovrld Co-Founder Carter Delloro and his partner-in-crime and longstanding Ovrld contributor Bailey Cool left Austin for the greener pastures ...
SXSW is the one time of year that we here at OVRLD allow ourselves to write about some of our favorite non-Austin bands, since we are playing host to the wh...
Every Fourth of July, we present to you our favorite LPs and EPs of the year so far. This year, we are proud to bring you a cross-selection of talent from o...
Population estimates suggest that since we here at OVRLD started this music review site/blog/e-zine back in February 2011, there have been an additional 60,000 ...
Population estimates suggest that since we here at OVRLD started this music review site/blog/e-zine back in February 2011, there have been an additional 60,000 ...