This week, news broke that Conor Oberst’s side project Desaparecidos had to drop out off the Fun Fun Fun Fest line-up because of mental health issues, leaving a gap in the beloved Austin festival’s schedule. Now event coordinators Transmission have reached out to fans to ask who they’d like to see occupy the newly vacant FFF slot. So of course we asked FFFFanatic Dylan Garsee to provide some suggestions. Here is what he sent us, in the hopes that Transmission would make at least one of his dreams come true and maybe consider hiring him as a booker for next year:
Steve Albini is Conor Oberst for pissed off grad students, so naturally the perfect replacement would be Shellac. Last year’s Dude Incredible cemented the trio as the crankiest band this side of the Mississippi. They haven’t made a trip to Austin in at least four years, and would be welcome with open fists to Auditorium Shores.
Psychic TV
Fun Fun Fun Fest has been embracing industrial this year, specifically giving Skinny Puppy a slot at ACL Live just to give the full experience of their legendary live set. The Throbbing Gristle side project is playing Houston’s Day For Night fest in December, what would another trip to Texas do? Psychic TV’s mesmerizing video component would be a perfect companion to the gorgeous dusk over the Black Stage. Also it’ll scare the shit out of everyone waiting for Gogol Bordello.
Hear me out. Yes, they’re Orange Stage material. Yes, they’re skinny hipsters. Yes, they make jangly post punk. We are talking about the Black Stage here. But the Black Stage is a more of a state of mind, and Ought are super DIY, have a fuck ton of music for a band that’s barely been active for three years, and Wavves has played the Black Stage, so there are clearly no rules.
G.L.O.S.S. isn’t big enough for the 5:55 slot, but just move everyone down an hour and put them on at 1pm. A microscopic representation of LGBT at all festivals, not just FFF, is a definite problem. Be a part of the solution and book this incredible new punk band. They played a now legendary show at Cheer Up Charlie’s last month and a set at Fun Fun Fun Fest would be a victory lap for the ages.
Dear Fun Fun Fun Fest. I’ve been a very good boy this year, and I think I deserve a Mclusky reunion. Their singles compilation Mcluskyism was rereleased earlier this year for Record Store Day, so that hints at at least some revived interest in the band (although my beloved Life Without Buildings still haven’t gotten back together after their RSD reissue two years ago). Advertise it as a one off like Dag Nasty and people will go crazy. After all, the world loves them and we are their bitch.
Texas is the Reason
Deseparecidos wouldn’t be a band without Texas is the Reason. Their landmark and sadly only record Do You Know Who You Are? turns 20 next year, and an anniversary tour isn’t out of the question since they last reunited in 2013. Don’t be like every other band that kicks off your reunion at Coachella only to play FFF later (Drive Like Jehu, Refused). Be your own band!
For a band that only has two albums, they sure have gotten a lot of mileage. Why not extend the sporadic reunion to Austin? Sure they haven’t played a show this year, but I’m pretty sure they’ve never played Austin and November is real nice around these parts. Perfect weather to nostalgia out to Spiderland.
Though working hard in the studio on the follow-up to last year’s incredible To Be Kind, Michael Gira and co. can definitely find time to swing on down to Austin for the festival. The band’s percussionist Thor Harris lives here and they can just crash at his place for the weekend. Besides, a little break in the monotony of studio time never hurt anyone. FFF has a history of bands doing one off’s for them, with the Descendents filling in for Devo at the last minute in 2010 and Spoon performing their only 2011 date the next year.
Death Grips
Y’all. What if they got Death Grips? The most notoriously flaky band behind D’angelo and the Vanguard would be the most hilarious fill-in for Deseparacidos. They shockingly reunited to much acclaim earlier this year after dropping out the Fun Fun Fun Fest two years in a row. Their 2011 set at Auditorium shores is something of FFF lore and their show at the Mohawk earlier this year sold out hours after going on sale, so if they play, expect a monstrous crowd and an even more wicked pit.
Dylan Garsee is a freelance writer/bingo enthusiast currently living in Austin, TX. He is a writer for, a member of the Loser City collective and used to avoid reading comics while writing for Comics Bulletin. An avid record collector, Dylan can mostly be seen at Waterloo Records, holding that one God Speed You! Black Emperor record he can’t afford, crying. You can follow him on Twitter, where he horrifies celebrities as @dylangarsee.