As thriving as the Austin music scene was in regards to singles in the 2010s, the city has arguably always been more of an album town and that remained true...
Will history look back fondly on the decade that was the 2010s? We're gonna go out on a limb here and say that's a big ol' no. But one area of the decade we...
Austin is never exactly hurting for quality releases from local artists, but 2018 felt like a major growth year for the city, particularly for genres that stru...
Austin is never exactly hurting for quality releases from local artists, but 2018 felt like a major growth year for the city, particularly for genres that strug...
Austin is never exactly hurting for quality releases from local artists, but 2018 felt like a major growth year for the city, particularly for genres ...
Photo by Adrian Gandara | Design by Nick Hanover
Huddled on a stool up against a dark wall, Mobley tells me he’s “a really, really shy person,” and in the sh...
by Nick Hanover
Back in August, the Austin Chronicle put Quin NFN, The Teeta and Kenny Gee (now rebranded as WhooKilledKenny) on the cover, declaring the...
by Nick Hanover
For the past couple weeks, you may have noticed Austin music is dealing with more alt-right idiots than normal. As much as these goons li...
by Nick Hanover
A few days after the 4th of July, Blastfamous USA celebrated their independence by throwing a block party at Empire Control Room with a v...