Ovrld Recommends: Peanut Butter Wolf, Melt Banana and More

Ovrld Recommends

The X Games may be in town (and we’re covering them) but there are a bunch of local bills we’d love to see you support. So go catch some eXXXtreme sports action then head on over to….


Peanut Butter Wolf Holy Mountain

I don’t know if there could be a more perfect pairing with Stones Throw Records’ Peanut Butter Wolf than BoomBaptist and Table Manners Crew at Holy Mountain tonight. PBW is a legit legend, both as an artist and as the bossman of Stones Throw, but TMC and Boom are undoubtedly going to be tough acts for the hip hop vet to follow. Boom in particular has been on a roll over the past couple years, from the stellar production work he’s been doing for ATX sirens Keeper to his progressively dreamier solo work. If you’ve never seen Boom live, you’re in for a treat, as his sets are pretty unpredictable, ranging from more straightforward beat sets to eclectic sets where he does his own freestyling. Don’t fret over that $15 cover, this bill is worth every penny.



Wolfshield Records BLXPLTN

Over at the Indian Roller, Wolfshield Records is putting on a great dirty rock day party featuring its stars BLXPLTN as well as garage duo The Ghost Wolves and punk pranksters Funeral Kab. BLXPLTN’s new material will likely be on display and the direction the band has been going in has certainly been interesting, working in more electronic and industrial influences. The band remains as exciting as ever in a live format, and this bill seems built for maximum energy, so this will be a perfect opportunity to catch a glimpse at where BLXPLTN is heading and on a bill that for once more accurately reflects their sound.



Melt Banana Red 7

Japanese noise legends Melt Banana are coming through on Sunday at Red 7 and Transmission has made one of their smartest pairings by having Austin spastic punk outfit Future Death team up with them. A bit more abstract than Melt Banana, with disjointed rhythms disrupting apocalyptic bursts of sound, Future Death are one of Austin’s most exciting groups but have been curiously underrepresented on local bills. Maybe that’s because they don’t see the need to weather Austin’s distracted crowds unless they’re out supporting international experimental punks like Melt Banana. And who can blame them?


Nick Hanover got his degree from Disneyland, but he’s the last of the secret agents and he’s your man. Which is to say you can find his particular style of espionage here at Ovrld as well as Loser City, where he mostly writes about comics. You can also flip through his archives at  Comics Bulletin, which he is formerly the Co-Managing Editor of, and Spectrum Culture, where he contributed literally hundreds of pieces for a few years. Or if you feel particularly adventurous, you can always witness his odd .gif battles with his friends and enemies on twitter: @Nick_Hanover