Photo Review: Day Three at Sound on Sound

Photos by Ashley Bradley and Casey Holder


Sound on Sound

Sound on Sound, the reincarnation of Fun Fun Fest, went down in a soggy Sherwood Forest, and we’ve got some great shots of day two. Ashley and Casey saw BoomBaptist, Leopold and His Fiction, Pussy Riot and Sailor Poon before evacuating and heading down to Mohawk for Lochness Mobsters and Diarrhea Planet. Now, you can see too. Stay tuned for more from the shows and a look at the festival life here at SOS.


boombaptist2_day3_sos BoomBaptist

Diarrhea Planet at Mohawk

Diarrhea Planet Diarrhea Planet Diarrhea Planet Diarrhea Planet Diarrhea Planet Diarrhea Planet

Leopold and His Fiction

Leopold and His Fiction Leopold and His Fiction Leopold and His Fiction Leopold and His Fiction Leopold and His Fiction Leopold and His Fiction Leopold and His Fiction Leopold and His Fiction Leopold and His Fiction

Lochness Mobsters at Mohawk

Lochness Mobsters Lochness Mobsters

Pussy Riot Talks

Pussy Riot Pussy Riot Pussy Riot

Sailor Poon

Sailor Poon

Sound on Sound Life

Sound on Sound Fest Sound on Sound FestSound on Sound FestSound on Sound FestSound on Sound Fest