It’s always great when a good bill comes together. Especially when you have less than three weeks to book it, and everyone in town is busy doing something. Well, the stars aligned for us here at Ovrld when we were not only able to get these four bands together on one bill, but also when we found out that MeanGirls would be releasing their first LP on the date. We already moved our bodies gleefully about Squirm in another article for you goons, so this one is more about the visuals. MG was full of energy for the show, but as we hope you can tell from these photos, New China, Bum Out and Sherman’s March didn’t disappoint either. In fact, you might think about bracing yourself before looking at the ones of New China, because Katy looks like she’s about to bust through the screen to whip you with her hair (if you were there, we hope you lived to wipe the sweat). It was a killer show.
Photos and words by Ashley Bradley.