Photo Review: The Pharaohs and Shaft City and the Ballz at Laundry Works

The Pharaohs

This week, our photographer (and .net survivalist) Ashley Bradley helped put on a punk show out front of Laundry Works, a local laundromat. But in true punk fashion, the cops came and…actually didn’t ruin everything. They just moved the Pharaohs and Shaft City and the Ballz indoors, which Ashley tells us improved the experience. We’re inclined to believe her after seeing all these awesome shots through washer windows while 40s of Olde English get poured on various Ballz. #phallichumor

The Pharaohs

The Pharaohs The Pharaohs The Pharaohs The Pharaohs The Pharaohs

Shaft City and the Ballz

Shaft-City-6 Shaft-City-7 Shaft-City-8 Shaft-City-9 Shaft-City-10 Shaft-City-11 Shaft-City-12 Shaft-City-13 Shaft-City-14