Photo Review: Leopold & His Fiction, Calliope Musicals and more at Spider House

Photos and words by Ashley Bradley


Last Saturday we had one huge show at Spider House Ballroom and man was it amazing! The original plan was to have bands playing inside and out, but it was too cold for us Austinites, so we moved all the bands inside. The venue hit capacity by about 10pm, and then we were all cocooned in there, cuddling together while we enjoyed the wonderful tunes from all the bands. Thanks to everyone who came out — but if you missed it, hopefully you’ll find some fulfillment in living vicariously through these photos!

LeveesLevees Levees Levees


Belcurve Belcurve Belcurve Belcurve Belcurve

Lo Country

Lo Country Lo Country Lo Country


Patch Patch Patch Patch

Major Major Major

Major Major Major Major Major Major Major Major Major Major Major Major

Calliope Musicals

Calliope Musicals Calliope Musicals Calliope Musicals Calliope Musicals Calliope Musicals

Leopold and His Fiction

Leopold and His Fiction Leopold and His Fiction Leopold and His Fiction Leopold and His Fiction Leopold and His Fiction Leopold and His Fiction