For their 50th catalog release, glacially cool local label Holodeck Records have prepared a compilation called Holodeck Vision One, showcasing some of the established greats on their roster (like Troller, Symbol, Kyle Dixon, Thousand Foot Whale Claw, Future Museums and VVV) as well as some of the brilliant new talent they’re working with. From that latter group comes Joey, a new find from the DIY warehouse scene who makes enchanting and melodic ambient music that longstanding fans of both S U R V I V E and more abstract acts like Stars of the Lid will come to love. Joey’s entry on Holodeck Vision One, “Fall for Sport,” initially seems to be heading towards a place of menace but before long it shifts towards the majestic, with angelic choral vocals and hopeful synth pads blossoming out of the bass rumbles and insectoid beat. Give it a listen for yourself below and then pre-order the compilation before it comes out this Friday, March 9th!