You ever see Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains? It’s one of the rare films that actually seems to get not just band life but being young and angry and wanting to lash out through music. It’s also unabashedly sloppy in its presentation of The Stains themselves. They sound like an untested punk band with more mental than musical chops, not some sanitized and scrubbed version of such a thing. I mean, Black Randy and the Metrosquad even show up in it, the only weirder possible punk cameo would be if The Screamers were dropped in. Anyway, I think that Austin’s Sailor Poon are the closest we’ve had to a real life version of The Stains and I think this new video of their hit “Misogynist” will help show why. Shot and filmed by Teenage Cavegirl’s Andy Ray Lemon on glorious VHS at Hotel Vegas, this is a glorious racket.