Exclusive Video Premiere: Daisy O’Connor “Lightchasers”

Singer-songwriter Daisy O’Connor had a more arduous journey to Austin than most, so when she sings “The way will find you/When you’re not looking” in her new single “Lightchasers,” it has a deeper meaning than the standard “get away from it all” desire so many musicians have. Jeff Arnold’s video for the track emphasizes the peace Daisy has found in her surroundings, featuring her meditating and communing with the wide open spaces this area of the country is known for. It’s a beautiful expression of the freedom that can be found in all of Daisy’s music and a fitting sample of her upcoming full length, also titled Lightchasers. The album is due out on February 3rd and Daisy will be launching it at Cactus Cafe on the same day, buy your tickets here.