Brainwavve's name gets taken literally in the Butcher Bear directed clip "Futuresoon," where a spectral brain hovers amidst a wave of glitchy VHS effects (desig...
On "SEGA AM2," A Better Tomorrow construct a blissed out groove that's perfect for a little pick me up, stuffed with icy guitar and some titanic bass, like an ...
"Humming" is a fitting title for Holiday Music's new single-- the vocals are nearly indecipherable but damn if you aren't stuck humming the fuzzed out melody be...
In case it wasn't clear from the moniker, Chief and TheDoomsdayDevice makes the type of music that would herald the coming of nuclear war. And as should be clea...
Van Mary may hail from Austin but they sound like they've been dialed in from some secret desert station you've stumbled across on a California road trip. On "E...
Photo by Jackson Montgomery Schwartz
In a very short amount of time, Benjamin Violet's project Pelvis Wrestley has become a darling of the Austin scene, wit...
Indie pop duo Pls Pls Me are pros at carving out their own queer spaces-- they even launched a regular event called Queer MF, featuring music, prose and the occ...
After taking a several year hiatus, Drew Carman is returning to Austin music under the Carman A.D. moniker, with the star studded EP Wildnerness, due out on Jan...
Attraction may just be a chemical reaction, but damn if it isn't a powerful one, clouding judgment and sense and all rational thought. Electro seducer Leach eve...
Avant-pop duo Emme are masters at crafting lush and invigorating tracks where buzzing synths, minimalist percussion and layers upon layers of enchanting vocals ...