Man-of-the-Downtrodden’s #FUCKAGENRE is a collection of wizard madness

by Jennifer Stark



On Christmas morning, much to my surprise, I received under a tree of mine a sneak peek of some new new that immediately had me asking, “what in the actual fuck is THIS wizard shit?” In the midst of pending NYE resolutions, erroneous midnight kisses, lackluster walks of shame, and the biggest countdown of the year, Man-of-the-Downtrodden did anything but drop the ball in the making of his new album, #FuckAGenre. Providing the public with an 8-track collection for us distressed, exploited, persecuted and oppressed, MoTD handcrafted this stellar assembly of dystopian tunes just for us 99%ers to remind us that, infact, the world is a paradox…and we’re all going to die. Comprised of varying cosmic sounds, #FuckAGenre (to be released January 2nd) seeks to cast a spell on all of us.

Proving that nerds really are cool, the new release serves as a limerick directly from Eli’s soul, to our ears. Pulling from his love of post apocalyptic plights, dark comics, real world struggles of the destitute and subjugated, as well as sprinkling in some lovely tunes for his mistress (Mary), and the girl that won his heart for real, Eli addresses the conundrums of the common man through some hot-ass beats, and some claps. Finicking with a sick symphony of the sounds of my fantasies: luminous lasers, intergalactic synths, and a dash of Super Nintendo, MoTD created  a heady, yet easy-listening, mix worthy of repeating on an galactik trip on the Millennium Falcon.

MoTD, AKA Eli Good, is a true musical vagabond, with a very dark side. Hopping from genre-to-genre, and throwing all cautions to the wormhole, he produces consistent beats with a heaping side of crazy for us helpless and have-nots to nod to. A long time member of Austin’s homegrown record label Sole Glow collective, member of the creative curating collaboration Feedback Alliance, and a repeat offender on local podcast Dusty Groove Radio, MoTD is anything but hiding under the cloak of dissolution in the underground producer scene. From his 30 beats in 30 days challenge, to his adventures with linguistic metaphors, and all the superfriends collaborations in between, MoTD consistently takes us on a master voyage of amazement.


Until his release of #FuckAGenre via the ever-so-expansive interwebs January 2nd, you can find all of his out-of-this-world masterpieces on his bandcamp page. In addition, Man of the Downtrodden can be seen frequently through local guest appearances with FeAl, DGR, and Exploded Drawing, as well as will be shedding some light on the SXSW 16’ stages.

No wormwood. No bat wings. No blood, bones, or gimmicks. Just some serious wizard shit!

Jenny Stark lives and breathes hip hop, but at heart she is a ten-gallon-girl.