Bryan Gutmann’s That’s How Scientists Talk is as Full of Insights as it is Outsights

by Dany Recio

Bryan Gutmann That's How Scientists Talk

It’s not my job to tell you how funny anything is but Bryan Guttman seems sure that it’s his job to let the world know we’re all a little ridiculous. On his album, That’s How Scientists Talk, he is your science teacher, history teacher and clergyman, if those same people were all spreading the same message, or at least being honest. He takes a stab at everything from the blind faith of science and religion to that guy that keeps peeling out in Applebee’s parking lots. He treats science, history and life like an art museum where he’s wandering, sharpie in hand, drawing mustaches and devil’s horns on everything while also wondering why there isn’t Jesus riding a T-Rex anywhere. If you never bothered to pay attention before in class, Bryan reminds us there never was a point; he’s a smart aleck that is never too smart for his own good. He never loses his appeal; cause for him nothing is funnier than the truth and it is that honesty that wins you over.

Throughout the album it becomes obvious nothing is sacred, especially with an opening track titled “Adam & Eve,” though to be fair he quickly moves on to science and dinosaurs which helps prove his point. Everything is ridiculous and largely driven by stupid people, who ghost hunt and would probably read books on how to ghost hunt. Themes like these could tire quickly and feel like an assault but Bryan manages to keep everything laughable, which I believe is the best part of the album.

Bryan capitalized on one of Austin’s most underrated comedy venues, Spider House Ballroom, in choosing where to record his album. The underappreciated space allows Bryan’s appeal to shine through– it’s intimate without seeming cluttered, allowing the album to avoid sounding like a man and his soapbox. Instead, this is a conversation in a room full of friends with the one guy who just can’t stop cutting you up. His voice is clear and never overshadows the laughter, which isn’t incessant. In the moments that the audience quiets down you can hear them waiting because from joke to joke it is never clear where Bryan will take you next.

That’s How Scientists Talk is as full of insights as it is outsights. Bryan, like many of us, is scared. How Scientists Talk takes a dive inward as he reveals the things he fears most, like flying and the likelihood that his children will become murderers. Even then, as soon as he’s revealed a little bit about himself he turns the joke back around on the world. The parallels between his broader themes and of himself perfectly frame his point of view. This album will do nothing but make you laugh and feel humble.

“So the point is; don’t so passionately hold on to what you think you know because historically you look dumb, every time.” –Bryan Gutmann


Dany Recio looks like he’d vote for Bernie Sanders but wouldn’t gentrify an entire neighborhood. He’s about as opinionated as your grandfather but never fought a war. Words that have been used to describe him are: young, wears glasses, lost (while not wearing glasses), and hopeful. A couple nights a week he tries to make everyone in Austin like him, one person at a time. (It’s going okay) If you feel like engaging in appropriated rap battles or a couple of twitter feuds you can google him, if you’re into it:  @saidthedanny